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All About Intermittent Fasting

All About Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the cycle between the eating period mostly fibrous food such as nuts, tofu, fish, beans, vegetables, etc. and the fasting period that is; refraining from consuming any calories.

In practical terms it means a gap between your morning meal and night mean which is supposed to be of 12 hours even the consumption of beverages is refrained.

Some people swear by this eating patten either due to the medical reasons or to manage their appetite and weight, lean muscle preservation and also to support optimal health.

But the most common reason behind why people choose this very fasting is the ‘weight loss’ which eventually leads to reduction in calorie intake.

Types Of Intermittent Fasting

  1. The 16/8 Method

    The 16/8 method involves fasting for 16 hours each day and eating only during an 8-hour window. This method is also known as the Leangains protocol and was popularized by fitness expert Martin Berkhan. This method is a good option for those who are new to intermittent fasting as it is relatively easy to stick to.

  2. The 5:2 Diet

    The 5:2 diet, also known as the Fast Diet, involves eating normally for 5 days of the week and restricting your calories to 500-600 per day for the other 2 days. This diet was popularized by British journalist Kate Harrison in her book “The 5:2 Diet Book.” This diet is a good option for those who want to lose weight without having to give up their favorite foods.

  3. The Warrior Diet

    The Warrior Diet was created by Ori Hofmekler and involves eating small amounts of raw fruits and vegetables during the day and then eating one large meal at night. This diet is based on the eating habits of ancient warriors, who would often go for long periods of time without food and then feast on a large meal when they returned from battle. This diet is a good option for those who want to lose weight quickly.

  4. Alternate-Day Fasting

    Alternate-day fasting, as the name implies, involves fasting every other day. On fasting days, you can either eat no food at all or consume very few calories (25% of your daily caloric needs). On non-fasting days, you eat normally. This diet is a good option for those who are looking for a more extreme weight loss plan.

  5. The Spontaneous Meal Plan

    The Spontaneous Meal Plan was created by Dr. Jason Fung and involves not planning or preparing any meals in advance. Instead, you simply eat whenever you’re hungry and stop when you’re full. This diet is a good option for those who want to lose weight without having to think about what they’re going to eat ahead of time

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

If done properly then the fasting can conclude to some potential benefits or impacts:

  1. There are studies which have proven that intermittent fasting dieters have more energy and mental clarity than some other style of diet such as lean gain diet which is built on the theory of burning fat by limiting calorie intake while maintaining performance and muscle tissue.
  2. Intermittent fasting is mostly recommended to those who struggle with mindless snacking or boredom eating throughout day and night as it can aid in preventing those very necessary calories that can lead to weight gain.
  3. Intermittent fasting improves insulin resistance which can aid in managing and preventing Diabetes.
  4. The majority of studies have shown some remarkable effects of intermittent fasting by controlling the cholesterol level, Low-density lipoprotein and lower triglyceride levels
  5. Some other perks of intermittent fasting involve less time spent, eating, preparing and cleaning up after meals. Overall, it’s a flexible fasting.
  6. Many studies have also proven that what people need when they fell like starving is actually water which is misapprehend by food.
  7. It has been scientifically proven that during 12-16 hours of fasting our body tends to undergo a process known as autogamy which is defined as a state of the body when it destroys old and damaged cells in the body.

Side Effects Of Intermittent Fasting

Just like any other thing in the world despite living or non-living, methodical and practical they have a dark side too. Similarly, Intermittent fasting has dark side or some potential risks too such as:

  1. Intermittent fasting may lead to over eating habit due to its schedule, some people may tend to overeat on feasting days.
  2. It has been found that in some people intermittent fasting that is; skipping meals and limiting calories may sometimes lead to serious health issues Such as Diabetes.
  3. People who are already on medications for diseases like heart disease. have the higher risks to electrolyte abnormalities from this kind of fasting.
  4. This pattern of fasting doesn’t teach you about healthy eating and have some severe risks to your body, which is detrimental to your health.
  5. To some people it might have tremendous effects on one’s mood and also can make them feel tired and irritated sometimes.


Medicine have suggested this very plan of fasting due to its ability to aid in body naturally improve blood sugar that too in a long run.

Hence, one can say that you can repeat this fating from twice to thrice a week to every day totally depending upon one’s preferences. It has also been suggested that one should opt for this plan of fasting slowly.



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